上海海事大学滴水湖经济与管理论坛系列讲座第153期:Supplier Centrality and Auditing Priority in Socially Responsible Supply Chains

演讲题目:Supplier Centrality and Auditing Priority in Socially Responsible Supply Chains

演讲人:齐安焱副教授,University of Texas at Dallas

演讲时间:12月9日(周三)晚 18:00-20:00

演讲地点:在线腾讯会议ID:498 566 496 会议密码:1550


报告摘要:Most supply networks are characterized by firms that source from multiple suppliers and suppliers that serve multiple firms, thus resulting in suppliers who differ in their degree centrality, i.e., the number of firms they supply to. In such networks, any negative publicity from suppliers' noncompliance of socially responsible practices { e.g., employment of child labor, unsafe working conditions, and excessive pollution - can significantly damage the reputation of the buying firms. To mitigate this impact, firms preemptively audit suppliers, although resource and time considerations typically restrict the number of suppliers a firm can audit. Therefore, a key question is whether firms should prioritize the auditing of suppliers with low or high centrality, ceteris paribus. To investigate, we consider an assembly network consisting of two firms (buyers) and three suppliers – each firm has one independent supplier who uniquely supplies to that firm and one common supplier who supplies to both.

Results and Managerial Implications: Downstream competition between the firms drives them away from auditing the supplier with higher centrality; i.e., the common supplier, in equilibrium, despite the fact that auditing this supplier is better for the aggregate profit of the firms. We show that this inefficiency is corrected when the firms cooperate (via a stable coalition) to jointly audit the suppliers and share the auditing cost in a fair manner. We also identify conditions under which joint auditing improves social welfare.


演讲人简介:Anyan Qi is an Associate Professor of Operations Management at Naveen Jindal School of Management, University of Texas at Dallas. His current research focuses on strategic procurement and capacity management in modern supply chains. In his research, he uses tools of stochastic dynamic programming, data-driven optimization, game theory, and behavioral experiment. His works have been published or accepted for publication in Operations Research, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, and Production and Operations Management, and have been recognized as a finalist in 2013 MSOM Student Paper Competition and a finalist in 2012 POMS College of Supply Chain Management Student Paper Competition.

He teaches the graduate core course of OPRE 6301 (Statistics and Data Analysis), and the undergraduate core courses of OPRE 3310 (Operations Management) and OPRE 3360 (Managerial Methods in Decision Making under Uncertainty). He has been recognized as the outstanding undergraduate teacher at JSOM in 2016.

He serves as a Senior Editor for Production and Operations Management. He also serves as a referee for Management Science, Operations Research, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Strategic Management Journal, Naval Research Logistics, Economic Inquiry, OMEGA, and International Transactions in Operations Research. He has received the 2018 Management Science Distinguished Service Award, and M&SOM Meritorious Service Award in both 2017 and 2018. He organized a cluster at INFORMS Annual Meeting in 2018 and sessions at various conferences. He advises doctoral students and serves at various committees at the department and school levels at UT Dallas. He is a member of INFORMS, MSOM Society, and POM Society.

Prior to joining the Naveen Jindal School of Management, he earned a PhD degree in Technology and Operations from the Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, a Bachelor’s degree in Automation from the School of Information Science and Technology, and a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the School of Economics and Management in Tsinghua University in China.

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