上海海事大学滴水湖经济与管理论坛系列讲座第183期:Complementary Resources and SME Firm Performance: The Role of External Readiness and E-commerce Functionality

题目:ComplementaryResources and SME Firm Performance: The Role of External Readiness andE-commerce Functionality



地点: #腾讯会议:990-829-571

报告介绍:The Electroniccommerce (EC) strategy – performance logic has gained significant popularity inthe literature, particularly from the resource-based view (RBV) of theoreticalunderpinning. However, such an obsession of focusing on organizations'complementary resources has been increasingly challenged, which has pressed theRBV to examine the possibility of external factors that can also impact firmperformance. In this study, the authors shed light on the firm's externalreadiness—defined as the extent to which a firm's customers and suppliersperceive EC as important—in the relationship between SME's complementaryresources and firm performance. The authors employed a refined data set basedon the British EC Award database, in which the authors sampled 430 BritishSMEs' senior managements and examined how EC investments made by the SMEsinfluenced firm performance, and how their external readiness moderated thismain relationship. The results showed that, in line with the RBV perspective,SMEs' complementary business resources and human resources both had strong anddirect impacts on the firm performance. They were also strongly mediated by ECfunctionality. In addition, SMEs' external readiness moderated the relationshipbetween human resources and firm performance and that of EC functionality onfirm performance. The findings contribute to RBV theory building by extendingearlier research on the role of technology as performance enablers for SMEs andshed light on the often-overlooked role of SMEs' external readiness.



荀继尧博士,西交利物浦大学产金融合学院副教授,供应链管理本科项目负责人,博士生导师。牛津大学管理学研究硕士,诺丁汉大学市场营销硕士及管理全奖博士。英国高等教育学院资深会士(SFHEA),中国仓储与配送协会专家,上海技术交易所技术转移专家智库专家,上海供应链促进会智库专家,江苏省法学会大数据与人工智能法学研究会第一届理事会理事。曾执教多所国内外知名大学,并于2014-20期间担任英国前五商学院MBA项目副主任。为新加坡管理学院、同济大学经管学院、上海大学等MBA核心课程及西浦领导与教育前沿研究院授课。著有专著一部《大学捐赠基金的运作与管理模式研究》由上海交通大学出版社出版。研究兴趣为量化营销与金融交互,社交媒体营销,中小企业科技战略管理,大学融合式教育管理等。论文发表于:Psychologyand Marketing, Internet Research,BusinessStrategy and the Environment,Behaviourand Information Technology, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management,Industrial Management & Data Systems,ActionResearch Journal (forthcoming) 等。

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