第三届(2016)供应链管理国际研讨会系列报告之Is It Greener to Support Customers to Sell Used Goods Than Not To?

报告题目:Is It Greener to Support Customers to Sell Used Goods Than Not To?
报告人:陈友华 教授

报告人简介:陈友华,香港城市大学管理科学系教授,学系主任。他先后在清华大学、加拿大滑铁卢大学和多伦多大学获得工学学士学位,经济学硕士学位及管理学博士学位。在美国西北大学完成博士后研究之后,他先后就职于新加坡国立大学商学院(7/1997-6/2001),香港中文大学系统工程与工程管理系(2001-2012)。陈友华教授的研究领域包括供应链管理、气候风险管理及医疗业务管理。他有多篇期刊发表在Operation Research、Production and Operations Management等世界顶级管理科学类期刊上。

摘要:Several brand name companies have launched online peer-to-peer (P2P) platforms to support their customers to post, sell and buy their used  goods.  These P2P platforms serve as redistribution/secondhand markets where used or pre-owned goods are passed on from someone who does not want them to someone who does want them.  This is another alternative to the more common “reduce, reuse, recycle, repair" methods of dealing with waste.  For this reason, these firms typically publicize their campaigns as ``Go Green" programs.  However, as commonly perceived, secondhand markets would cannibalize the sales of a firm’s new products and thus compromises its financials. Hence, we aim to address two research questions here:  will actions of supporting customers to sell used goods through secondhand markets 1) enhance firm profits and/or 2) be greener than not supporting?  If a firm can benefit from more active secondhand trading, then a “Go Green” program will most likely lead to financial sustainability and hence the firm’s long-term voluntary commitment to such effort. To address these issues, we consider a stylized model in which selling and buying used goods is costless (i.e., of zero transaction cost). We determine when supporting resale of used goods is both environmentally friendlier and more profitable and when only one of the two goals can be achieved. This is a joint work with Yu XUE and Yugang YU University of Science Technology of China.

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